Articles of yore

To my utter dismay, it’s been nearly 13 years since I was part of a series about the importance and prominence of video games. Much has changed since then, but I’m glad to see that my contributions are still kicking, and I’ve finally gotten them linked on this site. For the sake of completion, I’ll link them here as well.

Sound’s effects was intended as a primer about the video game music scene for people who were perhaps not aware that there is a video game music scene. Keeping score chronicled efforts to introduce game-specific initiatives into composition-focused academia. Credit for those headlines is due to the great Andre Mayer, who was also an invaluable editor on this project. (Credit is also due to the fact that SEO-driven, keyword-heavy headlines had yet to expunge clever headlines from the internet.)

And my ringtone is still the Wind Scene music from Chrono Trigger.


Hidden button labels!